Those who have already visited Glazetech’s website over the last few days, you may have noticed the new look!
In a couple of clicks the world of Glazetech will be in your hands.
Yes; we’ve refined the design and encapsulated the information accumulated over nearly 20 years into an easily digestible and navigable site enabling visitors to find what they need quickly.
The site homepage welcomes visitors with a clean, minimal uncluttered design and featured content focused on the main aluminum construction application sections: Skylights, shading systems, curtain wall, and special projects. A real helpful tool not only for individuals but also for architects, engineers and consultants, providing support with the latest information about our new products and the ability to give a project : Shape.
In particular, inside product sections you can download the datasheet of all our products and components while also finding room with photos and videos of our projects, latest news and events.
We invite you to spend some time navigating the site at our address, and acquaint yourself with the new design. By improving the website is the approach to how we communicate with you.
Yes; we’ve refined the design and encapsulated the information accumulated over nearly 20 years into an easily digestible and navigable site enabling visitors to find what they need quickly.
The site homepage welcomes visitors with a clean, minimal uncluttered design and featured content focused on the main aluminum construction application sections: Skylights, shading systems, curtain wall, and special projects. A real helpful tool not only for individuals but also for architects, engineers and consultants, providing support with the latest information about our new products and the ability to give a project : Shape.
In particular, inside product sections you can download the datasheet of all our products and components while also finding room with photos and videos of our projects, latest news and events.
We invite you to spend some time navigating the site at our address, and acquaint yourself with the new design. By improving the website is the approach to how we communicate with you.